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Small surgical procedures, such as cutting out skin lesions, are carried out in the practice on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

Prior to the procedure an explanatory discussion is carried out, together with an examination and assessment. Depending on the urgency (acute wounds, abscesses), the procedure is carried out immediately or scheduled for a second appointment. Planned procedures take place in our well-equipped practice operating room.

Our range of services includes:

  • Surgical removal of lipomas (benign fatty tumors) and foreign bodies
  • Surgical removal of atheromas (sebaceous gland cysts)
  • Surgical opening of abscesses and boils as well as inflammation of the nail edges
  • Treatment of ingrown toenails using phenolic caustics (safe and gentle method)
  • Wound care for acute wounds, e.g. using sutures or steristrips
  • Treatment of chronic wounds

We are also happy to take care of follow-up treatment, wound checks and suture removal after you have had surgery in a hospital, another practice or abroad.

Our surgeons in Zürich City, Dr. med. Martina Viglino-Vezzali and Kian Merati-Kashani, are happy to advise you.